Ways to get involved
Whether you want to simply suggest a topic for future content or play a more active role by becoming a guest editor, there are many ways to get involved. As a guest editor, you can bring your expertise and passion to lead the development of content in your area of interest. Join us in our mission to drive positive change in healthcare - share your ideas and contribute to our community today.
Suggest an article
Have you led or been involved with a QI project or service development? Then we invite you to contribute your expertise and perspectives on healthcare improvement, quality, and safety by uploading potential content to our site. By sharing your knowledge and experiences, you can help foster a culture of continuous improvement and elevate the standard of patient care.
Suggest a future theme for Medical Care
Have you recently found a resource or topic that you believe should be shared more widely? We value your input and ideas on future themes or content topics to help shape the direction of our platform and ensure that we are covering the most relevant and interesting issues in healthcare today. Whether it's a specific improvement programme, a new healthcare technology, or a health policy debate, we want to hear from you.
Apply to become a guest editor
As a guest editor, you will have the opportunity to curate content and share your expertise with our community. You can help shape the conversation around healthcare, and bring attention to important topics that may be overlooked. This is a chance to make a real impact and help advance the field of healthcare.